2nd Grade Goals

 Welcome to 2nd Grade  

Math Goals

Term 2 December-March


Topic 5: Subtract within 100 using Strategies

-Subtract tens and ones on a hundred chart

- Count back to subtract on an open number line

-Add up to subtract on an open number line

-Break apart numbers to subtract

-Subtract using compensation

-Solve one and two step word problems


Topic 6: Fluently Subtract Within 100

-Regroup 1 ten for 10 ones

-Models to subtract 2-digit and 1-digit numbers

-Subtract 2-digit and 1-digit numbers

-Models to subtract 2-digit numbers

-Subtract 2-digit numbers

-Use addition to check subtraction

-Solve one and two step word problems


Topic 7: More Problem Solving Using Addition and Subtraction

-Represent addition and subtraction problems (missing numbers)

-Solve addition and subtraction problems (making sense of word problems)

-Solve two-step word problems


Topic 8: Work with Money

-Solve problems with coins (counting coins)

-Solve problems with dollar bills


Topic 9: Work with Time

-Tell time to five minutes

-Tell time before and after the hour

-A.M. and P.M.


Topic 10: Add Within 1,000 using Models and Strategies

-Add 10 and 100

-Add on an open number line

-Add using mental math

-Add using partial sums

-Use models to add

-Explaining addition strategies

-Solve word problems

Grade 2 Module Yearly Overview

   Reading Themes Writing Genre Dates
Module 2

Look Around and Explore! 

(Informational Text, Narrative Nonfiction, Fantasy, Poetry, Drama)

Descriptive Essay

October- November
Module 3

Meet in the Middle

(Informational Text, Realistic Fiction, Fantasy, Biography)

Persuasive Text

November- December
Module 4

Once Upon a Time

(Recipe, Fairy Tale, Informational Text, Fable, Drama, Fantasy)

Imaginative Story 

January- February
Module 5

Lead the Way

(Opinion Article, Legend, Fantasy, Realistic Fiction, Biography, Informational Text) 

Personal Essay

February- March
Module 6

Weather Wise

( Informational Text, Fantasy, Narrative Nonfiction, Poetry) 


March- April 
Module 8

Time to Grow

(Photo Essay, Informational Text, Legend, Fairy Tale, Realistic Fiction) 

Procedural Text

April- May
Module 9

Home Sweet Habitat

(Opinion Essay, Informational Text, Poetry, Narrative Nonfiction, Folktale)

Research Report 

May- June 
Module 10

Many Cultures, One World

(Informational Text, Autobiography, Realistic Fiction, Narrative Nonfiction)

Thank You Letter June