3rd Grade Goals

 Welcome to 3rd Grade 

Math Goals


Term 2  December -March

Topic 5: Fluently Add and Subtract Within 1,000

-Multiply by 2,4,6,8 and 10

-Multiplication facts up to 10

-Division facts up to 10

-Multiplication word problems with factors up to 10

-Division word problems 

Topic 6: Connect Area to Multiplication and Addition

-Find area of figures made of unit squares

-Tile a rectangle and find the area

-Find the area of rectangles and squares

-Find the missing side length of a rectangle

-Multiply one-digit numbers using grids

-Find the area of complex areas


Topic 7: Represent and Interpret Data

-Interpret picture and bar graphs

-Create picture graphs and bar graphs

-Interpret tally charts

-Use bar graphs to solve problems


Topic 8: Use strategies and Properties to Add and Subtract

-Add using properties

-Use number lines to add three-digit numbers

-Add two numbers up to three digits using place value

-Subtract with two-digit or three-digit numbers

-Round to the nearest ten or hundred using a number line

-Estimate sums by rounding up to 1,000

-Estimate differences by rounding up to 1,000

-Addition and subtraction word problems up to 100


Topic 9: Fluently Add and Subtract Within 1,000

-Use models to add three-digit numbers; without regrouping

-Use models to add three-digit numbers: with/without regrouping

-Add two numbers up to three digits

-Add two numbers up to three digits: word problems

-Add three numbers up to three digits each

-Subtract three-digit numbers:without regrouping

-Subtract numbers up to three digits: with regrouping

-Subtract across digits

-Subtract numbers up to three digits; word problems

-Addition and subtraction word problems


Topic 10: Multiply by Multiples of 10

-Multiply by a multiple of ten

-Multiply by a multiple of ten using place value

-Interpret picture graphs:multiples of 10


Topic 11: Use Operations with Whole

-Two-step addition and subtraction word problems

-Two-step multiplication and division word problems

-Two-step mixed operation word problems

-Two step word problems: identify reasonable answers


Topic 12: Understand Fractions as Numbers

-Identify equal parts

-Make halves, third, fourths, sixths, and eighths.

-Match unit fractions to models

-Understand fractions:area models

-Show fractions:area models

-Match fractions to models

-Fractions of a whole:modeling word problems

-Graph unit fractions on number lines

-Identify fractions on number lines

-Graph fractions on number lines

-measure using inch ruler:nearest ¼ inch

-Create line plots with halves

-Fractions of a whole:word problems

Grade 3 Modules Yearly Overview

  Reading Themes Writing Genres Dates
Module 1

What a Character

(Historical Fiction, Realistic Fiction, Fantasy)

Personal Narrative September-October
Module 2

Use Your Words!

(Informational Text, Informational Video, Realistic Fiction, Poetry, Memoir, Fantasy)

Descriptive Essay October- November
Module 4

Stories to Stage

(Informational Text, Opinion Text, Drama/Tall Tale, Classic Tale, Myth)

Story November- December
Module 5


(Informational Text, Realistic Fiction, Humorous Fiction Video, Narrative Nonfiction)

Persuasive Letter January- February
Module 6

Animal Behaviors

(Informational Text, Narrative Nonfiction)

Expository Essay February-March
Module 7

Make a Difference

(Biography, Opinion Text, Memoir, Historical Fiction, Narrative Nonfiction) 

Opinion Essay March-April 
Module 8

Imagine! Invent! 

(Informational Text, Biography, Narrative Poem, Opinion Text)

Research Report  April-May
Module 9

From Farm to Table 

(Realistic Fiction, Editorial, Informational Text, Poetry)

Poem May- June