5th Grade Goals

 Welcome to 5th Grade 

Math Goals

Term 2 December -March


Topic 7: Use Equivalent Fractions to Add and Subtract Fractions

-Estimate sums and differences of fractions using benchmarks

-Equivalent fractions

-Add fractions with unlike denominators using models

-Add fractions with unlike denominators

-Subtract fractions with unlike denominators using models

-Add 3 or more fractions with unlike denominators

-Estimate sums and differences of mixed number

-Add mixed numbers with like and unlike denominators

-Add or subtract fractions and mixed numbers: word problems


Topic 8: Apply Understanding of Multiplication to Multiply Fractions

-Multiply unit fractions by whole numbers using models

-Multiply fractions by whole numbers using arrays

-Multiply fractions by whole numbers: input/output tables

-Multiply two unit fractions using models

-Multiply two fractions

-Understand fraction multiplication and area

-Estimate products of mixed numbers

-Multiply with mixed numbers using area models

-Multiply mixed numbers, fractions, and whole numbers

-Scaling whole numbers by fractions: justify your answer

-Scaling by fractions and mixed numbers


Topic 9: Apply Understanding of Division to Divide fractions

-Understand fractions as division: word problems

-Divide whole numbers by unit fractions using models

-Divide whole numbers by unit fractions

-Divide unit fractions by whole numbers using models

-Divide unit fractions and whole numbers

-Divide unit fractions and whole numbers: word problems

-Add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions and mixed problems: word problems


Topic 10: Represent and Interpret 

-Interpret line plots

-Create line plots

-Create and interpret line plots with fractions

-Interpret frequency charts: one-step problems

Topic 11: Understand Volume Concepts

-Volume of rectangular prisms made if unit cubes

-Volume of irregular figures made of unit cubes

-Volume cubes and rectangular prisms

-Volume of rectangular prisms made of unit cubes: word problems

-Volume of compound figures

-Volume of cubes and rectangular prisms: word problems


Topic 12: Convert Measurements

-Compare and convert customary units of length

-Convert customary units of length involving fractions

-Compare and convert customary units of volume

-Convert customary units of volume involving fractions

-Compare and convert customary units of weight

-Convert customary units of weight involving fractions

-Compare and convert metric units of length 

-Convert metric units of length involving decimals

-Compare and convert metric units of volume

-Convert metric units of volume involving decimals

-Compare and convert metric units of weight

-Convert metric units of volume involving decimals

-Converts units of time

-Multi-step problems with customary unit conversions

-Multi-step problems with metric unit conversions

-Multi-step problems with customary or metric unit conversions

Topic 13: Write and Interpret Numerical Expressions

-Order of operations: 4 or 5 terms

-Identify mistakes involving the order of operations

-Write numerical expressions: one operation

-Write numerical expressions: two operations

-Write numerical expressions for word problems

-Multi-step word problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers


Topic 14: Graphs Points on the Coordinate Plane

-Describe coordinate plane

-Objects on a coordinate plane

-Graph points on a coordinate plane

-Graph points from a table

-Use a rule to complete a table and a graph

-Analyze graphed relationships


Topic 15: Analyze Patterns and Relationships

-Use a rule to complete a number pattern

-Complete a table for a two-variable relationship

-Compare patterns

-Graph patterns using rules

-Find the rule from a table: word problems


Grade 5 Modules Yearly Overview

  Reading Themes Writing Genre Dates 
Module 1

Inventors at Work 

(Persuasive Essay, Narrative Nonfiction, Informational Text, Science Fiction/Fantasy)

Expository Essay September-October
Module 2

What a Story

(Informational Text, Fantasy/Adventure, Fiction/Fantasy, Play, Poetry)

Story October-November
Module 3

Natural Disasters

(Friendly Letter, Narrative Nonfiction, Media Video, Informational Text)

Persuasive Essay  December-January 
Module 5

Project Earth

(Informational Text, Persuasive Text, Play, Realistic Fiction)

Editorial January-February
Module 7

Above, Below, and Beyond

(Mini-Biographies, Informational Text, Autobiography, Narrative Nonfiction)

Research Report  February- March
Module 9 

Unexpected, Unexplained

(Informational Text, Mystery, Documentary Video)

Imaginative Story  March-May
Module 10

The Lives of Animals 

(Informational Text, Narrative Nonfiction, Poetry)

Letter May-June
Module 12

Genre Study: Fiction 

(Realistic Fiction, Play, Mystery)

Narrative Poem  June